Trayed Towers are used in many distillation processes for liquid, vapor and gases to create specialty metal products within the chemical and the oil & gas process industries. Trayed towers require specific tower internals designed for operation at high liquid and vapor loadings, multiple inputs and draws, and various internal structural supports.
WMP offers several types of trays, including:
Fixed Valve Trays
One of the petrochemical industry’s preferred products for their rugged and fouling resistant reliable operations, fixed valve trays hold up even in difficult distillation applications.
WMP manufactures optimized fixed valve trays with specific operations in mind by designing the specific tray solution from start to finish. And, with a variety of materials available and high-quality fabrication methods, you can rest assured that your new tray solution, or replacement-in-kind will be precisely crafted. WMP offers sieve trays, bubble & tunnel cap trays, rectangular valve trays and round valve trays.
Floating Valve Trays
These most commonly installed tray products are preferred for processing applications requiring precision control and significant turn-down run rates. These trays operate within a wide range of operations compared to fixed valve trays and allow turndown without tray liquid weeping, even at very low tower vapor rates.
WMP manufactures a variety of floating valve trays, most commonly round valve trays, rectangular valve trays and caged floating disc trays.
Collector Trays
We design and manufacture specific collector trays for their appropriate service applications. We give careful consideration to these trays for liquid hold up, riser vapor loading and distribution, leakage rates, sumps for liquid draws, and ensure there is sufficient structural strength to handle their demanding service loads. Types of collector trays offered include orifice riser trays, chimney trays and vane collector trays.

Specialty Trays
Our team can also manufacture trays for very specific or unusual tower applications and operations. These designs vary greatly and are available in many mechanical configurations and product combinations. Our team’s precision fabrication and advanced industry experience make us a preferred OEM and licensor product partner for specialty and proprietary tray manufacturing needs for all tray types, including:
- Sieve Trays
- Baffle, Shed Deck Trays
- Cartridge Bundle Trays
- Tunnel Trays
- Bubble Cap Trays
- Disc & Donut Trays
- Deaerator & Perforated Trays
- Crossflow & Counterflow Trays


Oil & Gas

Renewable Energy

Chemical / Petrochemical
